Monday, April 30, 2007

Little Changes in Eating Habits... Can Offer Big Health Benefits

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ~ World Health Organization, 1948

It's no secret that many of us are struggling to find the right balance in our dietary habits that nuture best health while satisfying our taste buds. If we try to be all healthy in our eating, our taste buds complain and we dont't stick to eating healthy; and on the other hand, if we let our taste buds rule, our body complains and our health suffers. So what can we do to strike balanced and realistic chords that will encourage us to stay on the healthy side?

Make Conscious Substitutes that Cut Fat, Calories & Cholesterol...

... from our diets whenever we can so that we eat healthier, boost our nutritional in-take, and lower our unhealthy lifestyle risks. I know, your eyes are glazing over and you're saying to yourself, " no way is this going to work." Well, hold-on just a moment and consider this strategy:

  • SUB: Olive-oil dressing for Creamy dressing

    Topping your salad with olive-oil dressing passing-up th creamy blue cheese or ranch will save you about 90 calories per two tablespoons. And you can save even more by using a reduced-fat olive-oil dressing; this saves a huge 120 calories per serving.

  • SUB: Mustard, low-sodium soy sauce, salsa for Ketchup and mayonnaise

    Mayonnaise and ketchup add unwanted calories and sodium to your foods. Minimize calories while adding flavor and nutrition with mustard (ground style) and salsa, which contain antioxidants, and low-sodium soy sauce. And most of us plop on way to much of these condiments.

  • SUB: Pomegranate or cranberry juice and club soda and or tea for Sugary fruit drinks

    Try club soda mixed 1:1 with a 100-percent fruit juice like pomegranate or cranberry both of which are loaded with the powerful cancer fighters anthocyanidins to save 50 calories per serving over a sugary fruit drink.

  • SUB: Roasted chicken for Deli meats

    Buy a roasted chicken or turkey breast from the deli (without the skin) and use it instead of high-fat pastrami, salami, and other deli meats. If you store it in the meat/cheese drawer, it will stay fresh for one week.

These are just a few easy and smart choices you can make to help yourself stay on track to healhier, more nutritional eating. To learn more read this article: Easy to make Food Substitutes for Healthier Eating Eat healthier to have better health, the choice is up to you.

Monday, April 02, 2007

10 Foods Tough to Digest

There's lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it. ~ Josh Billings

And you thought it was just because YOU were getting older; but as it turns out, there are some foods that are tough to eat... tough to chew... tough to swallow... and tough to digest. Note: Not everyone is affected by the digestive concerns

Let's take a closer look at some of our favorite foods that are tough to digest. And yes, they are some of our favorite eats. Here's the list:

Hard to Digest Foods:

  • Fried chicken nuggets
  • Spicy foods
  • Chocolate binges
  • Citrus fruit juices
    Mashed potatoes creamed with milk
  • Raw onions
  • Oh, not! Ice Cream
  • Raw broccoli and raw cabbage
  • Ligumes and beans
  • Soritol found in sugar-free foods

To find out why they cause us digestive problems, read this MSN Health & Fitness article, 10 Hard to Digest Foods.

THE TAKE AWAY: Eating them in moderation and less frequently is advised. Other helpful tips include enjoying these foods cooked versus eating them raw, diluting them or mixing them with complementary foods, baking, broiling, or grilling instead of frying. Kermit, the frog is oh, so right, it's not easy being "green" or always eating healthy.

Here's to your sparkling health©.