Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Challenge Your Brain Daily To Stay Sharp-Minded In Spite of Ageing!

Training your brain in brief one-hour long sessions of brain exercise can have long-lasting benefits for elderly people, helping them stay mentally fit for at least five years, according to a study published in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The study was led by Sherry Willis, a human-development professor at Penn State University.

Age-related mental decline is expected to affect 84 million people worldwide by 2040, according to the study's accompanying editorial. Research findings indicate that people of age 73, on average, could dramatically stave-off mental decline with just 10 sessions — less time than it takes to stay physically fit — helped keep their brains sharp.

The study's brain training involved hour-long classes and included exercises done using computers. Over the years, other studies have shown that intellectual tasks such as crossword puzzles and reading can help keep the brain sharp as people grow old.

Memory Training is Key

... in helping seniors keep an alert mind. Organizing thoughts about bus schedules and grocery lists, for example, can help a great deal. Findings show organizing a 15-item grocery list into categories like dairy, vegetables and meat to make it easier to remember and locate items.

The reasoning training taught participants how to see patterns in everyday tasks such as bus schedules and taking medicines at different doses and times.

The take-away: Use-it or lose-it... Challenge yourself with cross-word puzzles, suduko, and other complex thinking activities daily. Learn More!

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