Monday, March 21, 2005

Eliminate Normal Body Waste -- Naturally

A well-balanced diet is the most important requirement for healthy living.

Good nutrition helps reduce our risk of getting a large number of diseases, from diabetes to heart disease. But to ensure that your body absorbs all the nutrients of our well-balanced diet and their full dietary values of proteins, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and all the other 'good stuff' at the micro-celluar level, it is important that you detoxify your body on a regular basis. One of the good things about detoxing the body is that it can be easily accomplished with many of the foods we eat.

This article, Benefits of Detoxing Your Body, give a great explanation about detoxifying our bodies and what foods help to get rid of the that 'body waste' we naturally produce during "the process of converting food into the raw materials and energy we need to live, along with the complex biochemical reactions that occur continuously within cells." This process produces waste products that must be eliminated from the body. Learn how you can do it easily and naturally!

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