Wednesday, May 16, 2007

More Super Foods to Keep You Healthy

“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.” ~ Herophilus

As food research continues to discover and explore the medicinal benefits of foods, we will be able to make wiser and healthier choices in our meal selections. Here are some more foods that do more than just taste good. The superfoods featured below have clearly demonstrated that they can provide healing and wellness benefits that help us keep healthy.

  • Pomegranates: Fight Alzheimer's disease and Guard your arteries

    Offers counterpunch to Alzheimer's disease... Researchers at Loma Linda University, CA. found that mice who drank pomegranate juice experienced 50% less brain degeneration than animals that consumed only sugar water. The pomegranate drinkers also did better in mazes and tests as they aged.

    ...And Artery Protection: Israeli researchers discovered that a group of diabetics who drank about 2 ounces of pomegranate juice a day for 3 months kept their bodies from absorbing bad cholesterol into their immune system cells (a major contributing factor to hardened arteries.

  • Cranberries: Eradicate E. coli and Help prevent strokes

    This American beauty is already known for its health benefits in curing urinary infections but You know it helps treat urinary tract infection, and you might have heard that it prevents gum disease, and is a powerful anti-cancer fighter. But did you know that these little berries provide more beneficial healing properties?

    Cranberries may be helpful in Eradicating E. coli. Compounds in the juice can actually alter antibiotic-resistant strains, making it impossible for the harmful bacteria to trigger an infection. A small pilot study from Harvard Medical School and Rutgers University found that eating about 1/3 cup of dried cranberries yielded the same effect.

    And, cranberries can Help prevent strokes. Research on pigs with a genetic predisposition to atherosclerosis—narrow, hardened arteries that may lead to heart attack and stroke—found that those fed dried cranberries or juice every day had healthier, more flexible blood vessels.

  • Kiwi: Protect against free radical damage and Lower blood-clot risk

    Rutgers University compared the 27 most popular fruits we like to eat and determined that kiwifruit was the most nutritionally dense and protected the body from free radicals. Plus, it makes the short list of fruits with substantial amounts of vitamin E, and contains more vision-saving lutein than any other fruit or vegetable, except for corn; making it an excellent anti-oxidant source for fighting free radical damages.

    In addition, it Lower blood-clot risk as discovered in a 2004 study from the University of Oslo in Norway, participants who ate two or three kiwis for 28 days significantly reduced their potential to form a clot. They also got a bonus benefit: Their triglycerides, a blood fat linked to heart attack, dropped by 15%.

These superfoods pack a powerful, healthy wellness punch that can not only lower our risks for degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and strokes, they can keep us fit to enjoy an active life at any age.Read this article to Learn More About these amazing Superfoods and read this informative book.

Eat healthy... Stay healthy!

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