Friday, May 18, 2007

Super Foods: Barley, Broccoli Sprouts, & Kefir

“Health is my expected heaven.” ~ John Keats

Super Foods -- those humble, peasant foods that we thought we out-grew in our post-modern living, have revealed themselves as foods that we cannot live without. They are indeed, Mother Nature's gift to us and we'd be wise and smart to start adding as many of these incredible healing foods to our daily diet as possible.

  • Barley: Lowers Bad Cholesterol by 17% & Decreases
    Blood Sugar/Insulin Levels

    Reduce Your Bad Cholesterol: When some whole grains, such as wheat and oats, are processed, they lose their fiber content. Not so with barley, which is full of soluble beta-glucan fiber in its whole kernel or refined flour form. Studies show this particular fiber may:

    Lower bad cholesterol by as much as 17.4%, according to USDA research.

    A 2004 study found that adults with moderately high cholesterol levels who went on a low-fat American Heart Association diet began to see an improvement only when barley was added to the menu.

    Other Nutritional Facts: Hulled Barley is the most nutritional as it is an excellent source of dietary fibre, B-vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin and protein. Barley also has a high concentration of total tocals - these are the compounds that reduce the production of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). They are also natural antioxidants that help to neutralize free radicals, which may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. The soluble fibre in barley flour may help regulate blood glucose levels in Type 2 diabetics.

    Decrease Blood sugar and Insulin LevelsThat makes barley a better choice for people with type 2 diabetes, says a 2005 Agricultural Research Services study.

  • Broccoli Sprouts: Kills tumors... Protects your heart.. &
    Saves your sight

    WOW! Broccoli sprouts rock. Broccoli sprouts which are baby broccoli, are even better in their nutritional value and health benefit than their big sister. Broccoli sprounts,when 3 days old, contain at least 20 times as much of disease-fighting sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS) as their elders; SGS has been shown to:

    Kill tumors: The chemical triggers enzymes in the body that either kill cancer cells or keep them from growing. Just 1 ounce of sprouts has as much SGS as 1 1/4 pounds of broccoli. That'll save you lots of chewing.

    Protect your heart: People who ate about a half cup a day of sprouts lowered their total cholesterol by an average of 15 points, and women in the study raised their good cholesterol by 8 points—in just 1 week, found a Japanese pilot study.

    Save your sight: Exposure to UV sunlight over time may lead to an eye condition called macular degeneration, which is the number one cause of blindness in US seniors. Researchers at Johns Hopkins determined that broccoli sprouts can protect retinal cells from ultraviolet light damage.

  • Kefir: This cultured milk drink stacks up in calcium—one 8-ounce serving contains 30% of the recommended daily intake—and contains more beneficial bacteria than yogurt. It may also:

    Reduce food allergies: Baby mice fed kefir had a threefold reduction in the amount of an antibody linked to food allergies, say researchers at an agricultural university.

    Battle breast cancer: Women age 50 and older who consumed fermented milk products had a lower risk than those who ate little or none.

    Avoid triggering lactose intolerance:Kefir contains lactase, the enzyme that people with lactose intolerance are missing, say researchers at Ohio State University. And the taste? Like plain yogurt, just a little thinner.

    Superfoods offer incredible health benefits. I encourage you to add as many of these superfoods to your diet daily. Some may be easier to incorporate when you cook at home, others you can order from the menu when you're dining out. Search the Web for tasty dishes and ideas to eat more superfoods.
    (Source: MSN andPrevention)