Wednesday, March 30, 2005

When It Comes to Chocolate, Dark is Healthier For You

The superiority of chocolate, both for health and nourishment, will soon give it the same preference over tea and coffee in America which it has in Spain.
--Thomas Jefferson

Dark chocolate may help reduce blood pressure and boost the body's ability to metabolize sugar from food, according to the results of a small recent study in Italy and published in the March 2005 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Investigators at the University of L'Aquila in Italy found that after eating only 100 grams, or 3.5 ounces, of dark chocolate every day for 15 days, 15 healthy people had lower blood pressures and were more sensitive to insulin, an important factor in metabolizing sugar.

This is not the first study to demonstrate potential health benefits of dark chocolate, which contains high levels of a kind of antioxidant called flavonoids. Research shows that flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation and reduce blood clotting, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke.

Chocolate's health benefits include flavonoids that help the body by neutralizing potentially cell-damaging substances known as oxygen-free radicals, which are a normal byproduct of metabolism, explained Dr. Claudio Ferri.

However, Ferri urges caution when interpreting the results. In spite of dark chocolate's apparent benefits and its rich antioxidant base, it also contains a lot of fat and calories. Dr. Ferri noted that each 100 grams of dark chocolate contains roughly 500 calories. He suggests that people who want to add some chocolate to their diet need to subtract an equivalent amount of calories by cutting back on other foods, to avoid weight gain.

Another good reason to keep-on eating dark chocolate! Unfortunately, milk and white chocolates do not provide the same health benefits.
There are four basic food groups, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles. --Unknown

Read more about this chocolate health research finding:
Dark Chocolate Is Healthier

If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage? --Marquise de Sevigne, February 11, 1677

Monday, March 21, 2005

Eliminate Normal Body Waste -- Naturally

A well-balanced diet is the most important requirement for healthy living.

Good nutrition helps reduce our risk of getting a large number of diseases, from diabetes to heart disease. But to ensure that your body absorbs all the nutrients of our well-balanced diet and their full dietary values of proteins, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and all the other 'good stuff' at the micro-celluar level, it is important that you detoxify your body on a regular basis. One of the good things about detoxing the body is that it can be easily accomplished with many of the foods we eat.

This article, Benefits of Detoxing Your Body, give a great explanation about detoxifying our bodies and what foods help to get rid of the that 'body waste' we naturally produce during "the process of converting food into the raw materials and energy we need to live, along with the complex biochemical reactions that occur continuously within cells." This process produces waste products that must be eliminated from the body. Learn how you can do it easily and naturally!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Alzheimer's Can Be Avoided

Life is not merely being alive, but being well.
-- Martial, c. AD 66 Epigrams

Memory loss is not an inevitable consequence of aging, but rather is usually the consequence of age-related diseases, a new study says. Some people, no matter how old they are, have sharp and clear minds and memories.

"What's their secret? It's a timely question, and not just for scientists. Baby boomers are watching their parents get older -- and spotting a few grey hairs of their own in the mirror. What can they expect from the aging brain?" Read
Secret of People Whose Minds Never Fade

In case you're wondering, "Fear not, memory loss and brain aging are a natural part of getting older. It is often the case that people will start to report in their 50s that they think their memories are slipping," says Zola, a research career scientist who has dedicated his work to memory function." There could be other reasons for it short term memory lost; Alzheimer's disease is not the only cause for memory problems as we age. Health issues such as stress and anxiety; depression; ADHD; infections; and brugs, both prescription and over-the-counter. So, Is Your Memory Normal?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Flaxseed: Small but Mighty Health Food!

“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.”
--Spanish Proverb

Country-wise Living: A 68-year-old retired registered nurse sings the praises of Flaxseed Meal. “It is a vital health-smart ingredient to add to your daily dietary intake.” Overcoming her initial skepticism regarding what she read about the benefits of flaxseed “because nothing could be that good”, she has found flaxseed to be a powerhouse of nutritional benefit.

She now recommends it to everyone, especially women because it “causes tumors and cancer to shrink by stopping the growth of small blood vessels that they need to grow.” However, she cautions its usage for “pregnant women and small children who are still developing.” For everyone else it is a god-send.

It lowers cholesterol, raises the good cholesterol we all need to produce hormones, alleviates arthritis (in a fairly short time) and increases peripheral circulation (I can feel my hands, for the first time since the 1980s). Flaxseed is also high in fiber, but does not cause diarrhea. She goes on to say that “it seems to have normalized by metabolism which had been off since I tried to change thyroid medicine in the mid 1980s.” Take note, the nurse isn't the only one convinced about the health powerhouse flaxseed. Here's what one group of flaxseed growers report Flaxseeds Lowers Blood Pressure, Eliminate Constipation, Easy Arthritis

All it takes is ½ cup a day for therapy, if you’re experiencing any problems or suspect you might be a risk, to prevent or alleviate tumors or cancer. The great thing is that it can be added to bread, muffins, cookies, pie crust, cake mixes or scratch – add it like nuts, says the inspired nurse.

In addition, she add that it can be eaten in yogurt, cottage cheese, salads, and casseroles; add it to a pot of beans or even turkey dressing. However, you can get it into your diet, do it.

While the oil is being promoted more than the meal, I found that [the oil] interferes with the absorption of some medicines especially any that are absorbed in the stomach, says Nurse Quinn.

“Your magazine promotes the healthy slow food lifestyle and flaxseed mean is a good addition to that goal. It may very well be the antidote to our very toxic world.” – Betty Quinn, California. (Source: Countryside Vol. 89 No. 2 March/April 2005 Tips Column) CountrySide Magazine

Retired nurse Quinn is not the only one singing the praises of the power health food. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is taking a serious look at Flaxseed too. Duke University's Comprehensive Cancer Center and National Cancer Institute (NCI) are currently running clinical trials for: Low-Fat Diet and/or Flaxseed in Preventing Prostate Cancer. NOTE: This study is currently recruiting patients. Flaxseed may well be one of the cancer cures we have been looking for.

It's a super source for fiber, omega-3 oil, and Here's a great article that tells you The Health Benefits of Flaxseed and everything you want to know about the Mighty Flaxseed.

Others Are Saying: MUST READ!
Flaxseed Oil FAQs UK Ministry of Fitness
Whole Health MD: Applauds & Praises Flaxseed
1997 Prevention Magazine Article Excerpt: Flaxseed -- Top Seed

Flaxseeds have been around forever. The early Eypyptian, Greeks, and Romans ate them as part of their daily diet. During the past 100 years, flaxseed has fallen out of favor. But now its health benefits are being re-discovered and scientifically proven. So what do you think? Is there something special about flaxseed? Well, you don't have to tell me twice, I've added flaxseed to my diet. So what about you? It's your move now!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Fortify Your Immune System Eat High ORAC Foods

The natural healthy force within us is the greatest force in getting well.
-- Hippocrates, The Father of Western Medicine

Today’s high stress living takes its toll on our bodies. Under ordinary conditions, our food intake would be enough to support and nourish our wellbeing and sustain our good health. But these are not ordinary conditions! The environment we live in is filled with chemicals and other toxins that often work against our health. Toxin chemicals can be found in the air we breath, the food we eat, the products we use, the water we drink, and in the medicine we consume. And because the diversity and scope of the chemicals we are exposed to are so great and the fact that we are constantly exposed to these chemicals day-in and day-out, we suffer from overexposure.

Dr Richard M Fleming, a nuclear cardiologist and specialist in internal medicine and the founder and director of the Fleming Heart and Health Institute in Omaha, Nebraska is an innovative cardiologist. He authored the book, “Stop Inflammation Now.” He believes that the body uses proper foods more effectively than vitamin supplements to promote health. And in his book he reveals the twelve main causes of heart attack and stroke, and presents his breakthrough plan on how to restore heart health.

For example, he cites that eating 10 ounces of spinach has a greater effect on vitamin C blood levels than taking a 1250 mg vitamin C pill. He points out that nutritious foods, like fruits and vegetables, tend to contain a variety of healthful substances that act synergistically.

Given research findings that support this line of thinking, the USDA (Department of Agriculture) has developed an “Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity” (ORAC) scale to rate the antioxidant content of food. Here are some of the foods that scored the highest: High ORAC Foods

Our bodies are working triple time to rid chemicals and toxins from our systems. We need to fortify our systems daily with generous amounts of natural fruits, vegetables, and grains that nourish and boost our health. Natural foods do more to nourish our bodies than supplements because our systems are able to better absorb and process the photonutrchem Research findings now show that diets rich in fruits, grains and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. And eating a variety of colorful foods, five times a day is a healthier, smarter way to reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases: Color Your Way to 5 A Day

Brain Regulators Mapped -- New Era for Hope!

"In nothing do men approach so nearly to the Gods, as in giving health to men."
-- Cicero

US scientists have mapped a key network of gene "switches" in the brain which could aid neurological research. The "atlas", created by researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and used mouse brains to pinpoint the genes. But the map applies to human brains too, and is hoped it will help research into conditions, such as brain tumors, linked to mutations in these genes. Mice and human brains share many of the same regulators, which is why the researchers believe their work could help in the understanding of human diseases. Tumors, and other neurological diseases occur because of mutations in these key genes, called transcription factors (TF). This chain reaction cause abnormalities in the development or function of nerves. Dr Quifu Ma of Dana-Farber's Cancer Biology Department, who led the research, said his team found over 1,000 (TFs) gene regulators and mapped 349 of them to create the brain atlas.

"This is the first systematic mapping of all of the major brain areas that shows what regulatory genes are expressed in those specific locations," Dr. Quifu Ma stated.
This important breakthrough holds promise for find the causes and cures for such brain-related diseases as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, strokes, and other brain disorders. (Photo source: Brain, Wellcome Trust)

Read the article: Brain Gene Regulators Mapped

Good Health Starts With Your Thinking!

"If your thoughts are thoughts that draw low-frequency energy current to you, your physical and emotional attitudes will deteriorate, and emotional or physical disease will follow, whereas thoughts that draw high-frequency energy current to you create physical and emotional health." -- Gary Zukav (as quoted in HeartMath Discovery Program)

Being of good health is our natural state of being. When we are well, our mind and body work harmoniously together to optimize our wellness and this allows us to be all that we can be. In our state of wellness we are positive... energized... confident... and creative.

The importance of exercising and keeping your weight in check has now been positively strongly linked to living a longer life. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine indicated that being fit and as lean as you can be can add years to your life.

The study analyzed data from 116,564 women enrolled in the Nurses' Health Study who, at the beginning of the study in 1976, were between the ages of 30 to 55 and were free of cardiovascular disease. During 24 years of follow-up, 10,282 women died -- 2370 from cardiovascular disease, 5223 from cancer and 2689 from other causes.

Dr. Hu noted that "there was nearly a two and a half-fold increase in risk of death for inactive and obese women" compared to physically active, lean women. Summing up, Dr.Hu said this study shows that "both weight and exercise are important for longevity."

This study has a "basic and helpful conclusion in terms of public health: be fit and lean as you can be."

Read More:
What Is Health?

Health is Beauty, Power, and Peace

When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied. ...Herophilus

Health is our most precious possession. Most of us take feeling well for granted but when we suffer from poor health, we look for quick remedies to heal us and make us better again.

In this time of the 21 century, we have an overwhelming number of options to choose from including Eastern Medicine, Western Medicine, Wholistic Therapies, Natural Remedies, Old World Cures, and New Emerging Technology Health Soultions. Each has a role to play. And each can provide relief for what ails us. Healthiness and Wellness are the goal. Prevention is key! Using Intergative medical solutions to restore wellness is vital. There are not single solutions... There are many choices and we'll explore their benefits.

Eat wisely, exercise regularly, be spiritually centered, curb excesses, and savor your good health! Read More

Wealth Equals Health

What Health Is Not

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Processed Foods Have NO Nutrients...

"Living under conditions of modern life, it is important to bear in mind that preparation and refinement of food products either entirely eliminates or in part destroys the vital elements in the original materials." -- USDA (U.S. Dept of Agriculture)

Here it is, straight from the horse's mouth! The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture tell us pure and simple that processed foods contain little of their original nutrients and nutritional value. Bottom line: processed foods provide us with no health benefits.

Studies have linked a high sugar intake which all processed foods contain an abundance of, with increased risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature aging. Is this pure coincidence, or is the association real?

"Common table sugar represents about 20 to 25 percent of the daily caloric intake of the average American. This translates into the equivalent of half a pound a day and over 5 tons in a lifetime. In the early 1800's, the average sugar consumption was 12 pounds per person annually. This increased to 124 pounds in 1980 and to 152 pounds in 1997. It is estimated that 75 percent of all sugar we consume comes from processed food."

So now what do we do to get the vital nutrients that our mind and body need to keep us healthy and fit?

Eat greater amounts of fresh natural foods. And supplement your daily dietary intake with juices, omega-3 oils, grains, seeds, and vitamins to offset the nutritional deficit found in our foods. Cut BACK sharply on empty calories. Add more fish, fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, and natural juices. The goal is to become a healthy eater by making smarter choices in your daily food intake each day. When you incorporate this conscious decision-making into your routine, then you've made a "life-style" change and dieting becomes a non-issue because you're routinely eating healthy foods and nuturing your health. For some more great ideas about how to do this well, read this article:
Becoming a Good Eater -- Elizabeth Ward, MS, RD