Good Health Starts With Your Thinking!
"If your thoughts are thoughts that draw low-frequency energy current to you, your physical and emotional attitudes will deteriorate, and emotional or physical disease will follow, whereas thoughts that draw high-frequency energy current to you create physical and emotional health." -- Gary Zukav (as quoted in HeartMath Discovery Program)
Being of good health is our natural state of being. When we are well, our mind and body work harmoniously together to optimize our wellness and this allows us to be all that we can be. In our state of wellness we are positive... energized... confident... and creative.
The importance of exercising and keeping your weight in check has now been positively strongly linked to living a longer life. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine indicated that being fit and as lean as you can be can add years to your life.
The study analyzed data from 116,564 women enrolled in the Nurses' Health Study who, at the beginning of the study in 1976, were between the ages of 30 to 55 and were free of cardiovascular disease. During 24 years of follow-up, 10,282 women died -- 2370 from cardiovascular disease, 5223 from cancer and 2689 from other causes.
Dr. Hu noted that "there was nearly a two and a half-fold increase in risk of death for inactive and obese women" compared to physically active, lean women. Summing up, Dr.Hu said this study shows that "both weight and exercise are important for longevity."
This study has a "basic and helpful conclusion in terms of public health: be fit and lean as you can be."
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What Is Health?
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