Saturday, March 12, 2005

Fortify Your Immune System Eat High ORAC Foods

The natural healthy force within us is the greatest force in getting well.
-- Hippocrates, The Father of Western Medicine

Today’s high stress living takes its toll on our bodies. Under ordinary conditions, our food intake would be enough to support and nourish our wellbeing and sustain our good health. But these are not ordinary conditions! The environment we live in is filled with chemicals and other toxins that often work against our health. Toxin chemicals can be found in the air we breath, the food we eat, the products we use, the water we drink, and in the medicine we consume. And because the diversity and scope of the chemicals we are exposed to are so great and the fact that we are constantly exposed to these chemicals day-in and day-out, we suffer from overexposure.

Dr Richard M Fleming, a nuclear cardiologist and specialist in internal medicine and the founder and director of the Fleming Heart and Health Institute in Omaha, Nebraska is an innovative cardiologist. He authored the book, “Stop Inflammation Now.” He believes that the body uses proper foods more effectively than vitamin supplements to promote health. And in his book he reveals the twelve main causes of heart attack and stroke, and presents his breakthrough plan on how to restore heart health.

For example, he cites that eating 10 ounces of spinach has a greater effect on vitamin C blood levels than taking a 1250 mg vitamin C pill. He points out that nutritious foods, like fruits and vegetables, tend to contain a variety of healthful substances that act synergistically.

Given research findings that support this line of thinking, the USDA (Department of Agriculture) has developed an “Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity” (ORAC) scale to rate the antioxidant content of food. Here are some of the foods that scored the highest: High ORAC Foods

Our bodies are working triple time to rid chemicals and toxins from our systems. We need to fortify our systems daily with generous amounts of natural fruits, vegetables, and grains that nourish and boost our health. Natural foods do more to nourish our bodies than supplements because our systems are able to better absorb and process the photonutrchem Research findings now show that diets rich in fruits, grains and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. And eating a variety of colorful foods, five times a day is a healthier, smarter way to reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases: Color Your Way to 5 A Day