Thursday, March 17, 2005

Flaxseed: Small but Mighty Health Food!

“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.”
--Spanish Proverb

Country-wise Living: A 68-year-old retired registered nurse sings the praises of Flaxseed Meal. “It is a vital health-smart ingredient to add to your daily dietary intake.” Overcoming her initial skepticism regarding what she read about the benefits of flaxseed “because nothing could be that good”, she has found flaxseed to be a powerhouse of nutritional benefit.

She now recommends it to everyone, especially women because it “causes tumors and cancer to shrink by stopping the growth of small blood vessels that they need to grow.” However, she cautions its usage for “pregnant women and small children who are still developing.” For everyone else it is a god-send.

It lowers cholesterol, raises the good cholesterol we all need to produce hormones, alleviates arthritis (in a fairly short time) and increases peripheral circulation (I can feel my hands, for the first time since the 1980s). Flaxseed is also high in fiber, but does not cause diarrhea. She goes on to say that “it seems to have normalized by metabolism which had been off since I tried to change thyroid medicine in the mid 1980s.” Take note, the nurse isn't the only one convinced about the health powerhouse flaxseed. Here's what one group of flaxseed growers report Flaxseeds Lowers Blood Pressure, Eliminate Constipation, Easy Arthritis

All it takes is ½ cup a day for therapy, if you’re experiencing any problems or suspect you might be a risk, to prevent or alleviate tumors or cancer. The great thing is that it can be added to bread, muffins, cookies, pie crust, cake mixes or scratch – add it like nuts, says the inspired nurse.

In addition, she add that it can be eaten in yogurt, cottage cheese, salads, and casseroles; add it to a pot of beans or even turkey dressing. However, you can get it into your diet, do it.

While the oil is being promoted more than the meal, I found that [the oil] interferes with the absorption of some medicines especially any that are absorbed in the stomach, says Nurse Quinn.

“Your magazine promotes the healthy slow food lifestyle and flaxseed mean is a good addition to that goal. It may very well be the antidote to our very toxic world.” – Betty Quinn, California. (Source: Countryside Vol. 89 No. 2 March/April 2005 Tips Column) CountrySide Magazine

Retired nurse Quinn is not the only one singing the praises of the power health food. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is taking a serious look at Flaxseed too. Duke University's Comprehensive Cancer Center and National Cancer Institute (NCI) are currently running clinical trials for: Low-Fat Diet and/or Flaxseed in Preventing Prostate Cancer. NOTE: This study is currently recruiting patients. Flaxseed may well be one of the cancer cures we have been looking for.

It's a super source for fiber, omega-3 oil, and Here's a great article that tells you The Health Benefits of Flaxseed and everything you want to know about the Mighty Flaxseed.

Others Are Saying: MUST READ!
Flaxseed Oil FAQs UK Ministry of Fitness
Whole Health MD: Applauds & Praises Flaxseed
1997 Prevention Magazine Article Excerpt: Flaxseed -- Top Seed

Flaxseeds have been around forever. The early Eypyptian, Greeks, and Romans ate them as part of their daily diet. During the past 100 years, flaxseed has fallen out of favor. But now its health benefits are being re-discovered and scientifically proven. So what do you think? Is there something special about flaxseed? Well, you don't have to tell me twice, I've added flaxseed to my diet. So what about you? It's your move now!

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