Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mom's Wisdom: Eat Your Veggies & Fruits...

“Happy Mother's Day to the world's moms and THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! ”

... They're good for you, is so right-oh! Current research clearly shows that the more fruits, vegetables, bean, whole grains, and fish we eat the healthier we tend to be even as we get older. It's ironic that the superfoods we are being encouraged to eat more of today are the foods that have been around for millenia -- the basics -- filling our bellies and keeping us content.

Superfoods, offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition. They significantly add to our overall health and wellness levels and provide essential bio-natural elements that help our bodies functional normally. Wellness is the normal and natural state of our bodies. And eating natural, wholesome foods that have not be "doctored" with: transfats or having all of the nutrients stripped away is clearly what our bodies need. In fact, for us baby boomers, this was the food we grew up on and we want it back on our tables!

There is a growing trend among consumers for healthy, all-natural foods. Consumer surveys indicate that "about 83% of respondents said they're interested in learning more information about the relationships between foods, their ingredients and their impact on lowering disease risks and maintaining wellness. Women with children and the growing baby boomer population are most actively seeking more information about these foods and are adding them to their daily diets.

In light of growing health problems of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and the slew of other dibilitating quality of life diseases, foods that can help us keep fit by lower the risks of these diseases is something we all need to eat more of.

Eat smart -- Stay healthy!

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